
The main subject of Cassandra Lynnae Ware’s work is a self study of the tension between family and career, Christian upbringing and secular expectations, femininity and modern societal goals for women. She asks the short yet confusing question, “can women have it all?” Women in the modern generation have clung to the feminist credo they were raised with, even as their ranks have been steadily thinned by unresolvable tensions between family and career. As a Christian woman, that tension becomes even stronger as outdated biblical expectations come into play. Boss Babe vs. Housewife? The tension is seen in a self-portrait series where Behrendt deals with the nagging issues she had growing up in a conservative Christian home and constantly wondering “who am I supposed to be?”

If women are as strong and successful as we have always been taught, why are we told that we cannot in fact, do it all?
— Cassandra Lynnae
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